Helping You Feel Better
5 Health Dangers Your Neighbor
Knows Is Making You Sick
So what do you do when you follow all the advice out there to be healthy, but it ends up making you sick?
Basic things like brushing your teeth, eating your veggies, exercising, getting your sleep and well, you know the rest.
But then one day you wake up to symptoms you can’t understand where they came from. You did everything you were supposed to do and yet you feel like you’re in someone else’s sick body.
I know what I did…I got frustrated and then angry. Then I started asking lots of questions and researched everything and anything until I discovered some tiny pieces they forgot to mention.
Helping You Feel Better is a story about two neighbors. During an ordinary day they do the same routine things but meet with different outcomes. One stays healthy while the other one is setting themselves up to be sick down the road.
It took me a long time to figure out why I was getting sick from these things. That’s something I don’t want to happen to you.
You may be surprised when you realize something so small can cause something so big.
Understanding what goes on around you, helps you prevent it from becoming part of you.
Helping You Feel Better is a must read guide for anyone who cares about their health and their family’s health, today and down the road.